Sexual heath and aging:

keep the passion alive

sexual feeling don't disappear as you age. here's how to keep the flame burning.

by keneth lab technologist
sexual health is important at any age . And desire for intimacy is timeless. While sex may not be the same as it wsa in your 20s, it can still be very fulfilling .
Discover which aspect of sexual health are likely to change as you age-and how you and your partner can adapt.

communication is key:
To maintain a satisfying sex life,talk with your partner . set aside time to be sensual and sexual together . when you are spending intimate time with your partner , share your thought about lovemaking. Help your partner understand what you want from him or her. Be honest about what you are experiencing  physically and emotionally.

sexual health and safe sex
Peale of all age should know how to practice safe sex. If you are having sex with a new or different partner , always use a condom.
also talk with your Doctor about other ways to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

If you are in a long-term monogamous relationship and you have both tested negative for sexually transmitted infections,you probably don't need to worry about protection.Until you know for sure, however , use condom when you sex.

Aging and men's sexual health
Testosterone plays a critical role in a men's sexual experience. Testosterone levels vary greatly among men.In general, however,older men tend to have lower testosterone levels than do younger men . Testosterone levels gradually decline throughout adulthood -about 1 percent (1%) each year after age 30 on average.

As a man ages, the penis may take longer to become erect,and erections may not be as firm. It may take longer to archive full arousal and to have orgasmic and ejaculatory experiences. Erectile dysfunction also becomes more common. several medications are available to help men archive or sustain an adequate erection for sexual activity.

Aging and women's sexual health
As women approach menopause , their are estrogen levels decrease, which mat lead to vaginal dryness and slower sexual arousal.Emotional change are somewhat more common in women.
while some women may enjoy sex more without worrying about pregnancy , naturally occurring changes in body shape and size may cause others to feel less sexually desirable.

For more information about sexual health see a doctor in your health center.


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